Khyre’ Edwards
2 min readJun 3, 2021


What will get hacked next ?

So SOMEONE keeps attacking U.S. interests via cyber attacks.

No one knows which bare chested bear riding resident of the Kremlin it is behind these attacks. Nor do we know what the U.S. has done in response.

It’s a bit humorous from the 1000 foot view seeing Beef and Oil industries be attacked- two industries that make up the American caricature.

It’s been interesting to see people realize how unreliable fossil fuels are while sharing memes about solar panels not working in the dark. Or how much beef we buy from Brazil while increasing tariffs on farmers and ranchers in the U.S. — thanks President Trump, you show those farmers what poverty really looks like !

So if it really is a Russian trolling us I’m betting the next industries will be: Credit card companies, Payday lender companies, Hollywood, car manufacturers, and defense industry.

By name Mastercard, Disney, Ford, and Raytheon.

I assume Google, Amazon, and Facebook actually have pretty good cybersecurity or they would have been ransomed already. But who knows.

I don’t think we are in a cyber war per se because the attacks have been more of an inconvenience rather than deadly- the pipeline didn’t explode, the cows were not poisoned. Hopefully we take this as a chance to reduce our reliance on one source if meat — particularly from another country led by a right-wing dictator — and one source of fuel.

The year 2020 showed us that our system of U.S. Monopoly controlled Capitalism isn’t sustainable and will kill us if we don’t wean ourselves off of it.


Russia if you’re listening I hear Americans would be realllllly upset if you wiped out all of our medical, financial and student debt it would really cripple our identity so please don’t attack this sector.

