Infinities Chapter Four: I’m Just a bill

Khyre’ Edwards
8 min readApr 24, 2021

He answered, “I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out.”

Luke 19:40


Washington DC, Capitol relocation hearing. Speaker of the house Matthew Gaetz presiding.

“ Good morning, a summary of the agreed upon rules. We will have three hours of debate evenly divided starting with myself, I’ll control time on the Republican side.

Minority leader Rep. Pelosi will control the time on the Democrat side.

We will break at noon for lunch and hope to have a vote on this process by tomorrow. As a reminder you have to be on the floor in order to vote on this amendment.

For the record please speak clearly and use as few acronyms as possible.

The purpose of this amendment is to relocate the Capitol in order to have a more stable environment for governing. We are meeting in the presidential suite of the newly renamed Capitol Hotel due to the structural damage on the Capitol proper. Three proposals have been submitted for review, I will now submit these for the record, without objection? Proposals have been submitted.”

“This is a segment from this morning’s relocation hearing speaking now is Rep. Jordan of Ohio the new Chair of the House Rules Committee Subcommittee on Capitol relocation and security. You can hear the full segment on CSPAN 1.

Back to the floor for the live debate in the House Judiciary committee hearing on law and order.

“ This bill is racist, it’s unconstitutional. It criminalizes the very concept of blackness.

If this bill passes it will be open season on people of color. Less important, but sadly maybe the only thing you’ll listen to, is the sheer cost of these measures.”

Rep. Jayapal of WA

“ Shutting down the Mexican border will cost millions in trade, every day. Shutting down flights from three continents is such a bad idea the CBO can’t even give us a range of the daily costs to Americans. Doubling the budget of DHS? DOJ? The Pentagon?

How can we afford to do this when our economic center is gone and this bill limits trade from the largest contributors to the GDP?

CA, WA, OR, are a part of the United States, no matter what you pretend. This bill seeks to break that unity through what amounts to crippling sanctions against them. But know this, this won’t just hurt my state and states on the West Coast. This hurts Kansas, Alabama, Georgia, Idaho, Arkansas, Mississippi.

All states rely on the food grown in the West, the technology, the money.

Don’t get sucked in by the president’s rhetoric, we are all Americans, we cannot have an America without all of us. We are the United States Of America we can’t divide the country. Every member should vote not just no but hell no on this bill.``

Rep. Jaya leaves the floor to scattered applause of her colleagues drowned out by the jeers and taunts of her opponents.

The House is gaveled into order.

“ Well that was an entertaining speech.” Rep. Jordan was cut off by a chorus of boos, he gaveled them down and continued to speak in his high pitched but booming voice. A voice that is well suited to speaking out against injustice, to call out abuse, to speak the truth- this is not what his voice will be used for.

His voice, as always, will be used to destroy democracy brick by brick.

Every carefully worded statistic is a knife to liberty, every fictional anecdote a suplex to justice.

Unlike many of his colleagues he enjoys this. Gaslighting the country as he strives to remake the world. He enjoys the toxic environment, the meanness, the alienation of less loyal colleagues.

Rep. Jordan would not be moved by facts, or rules, or the tears of his colleagues.

He would do his best to produce more of them.

For him the tears are the point, his personal reward.

“ As I was saying I didn’t hear any complaints about the economic impacts of Black Lives Matter terrorizing consumers all Summer. My Democratic colleagues didn’t seem to mind when China sent a virus to shut down our markets.

They were much too soft when Radical Islamic terrorists attacked us on 9/11!

My Democratic colleagues don’t care about the economy, that’s why they want to raise your taxes, cut jobs, and take away your guns all so ANTIFA Communists working with ISIS can come into your house and steal your, wife, your children and other possessions. “

Rep. Jordan looks around, a smirk on his face as he shakes his head in mock disappointment at the members in the room.

“ If you read the bill you’ll be able to read through this hyperbole and you will quickly realize one thing…One truth. That Republicans care about you. And Democrats don’t. Republicans are trying to save you from the Chinese Communist party so we banned travel from most of Asia. We are trying to save you from Radical Islamic terrorists so we suspended all travel from the Middle East and Africa.

We can’t trust the socialists murderous regimes in Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Haiti, Mexico, Columbia — and California if we’re being honest, so we permanently banned immigration and travel from S. America. Now the democrats complain that they can’t get enough MS13 or ANTIFA super soldiers out to vote and steal this election. Now, we care more about your lives than your vote, but you should vote for the party that votes for you. Not a party that wants a radical left agenda like our former colleagues proposed and that we still hear now.”

A fresh chorus of boos erupted, the incessant gavel echoed around the chamber was ignored.

Rep. Jordan continued

“Democrats and their communist friends want you to forget about Texas, Kansas, Utah, Florida, Georgia, W. Virginia, and Alaska. We have the farmlands, the fisheries, the energy we need in Loyalist states guarded by real Americans. We of course welcome CA and WA to join us once they’ve gotten rid of their criminal elements and bring law and order. This bill protects us from them.

The rapists, the murderers, the violent rioters that tried to steal America, and the democrats who want to steal elections.”

The man’s voice and brand of politics is enough to inspire fish to drown themselves to get away from it. Perhaps that’s why his colleagues eventually remind him that he has monopolized much of their speaking time and should end debate so the vote could start. Closing arguments consisted of the same points the members had spent all day making.

The democrats spent it reading a portion of the bill summary

“ Authorization to reduce postal staff at discretion of Postmaster General. A suspension of ballot collections 10 days prior to elections, a global travel ban with the exception of European allies.

A global immigration ban, with the exception of Europeans and certain oppressed religious minorities.

An immediate closure of the Mexico border.

Limited travel to Canada.

Mandated annual police budget hikes of 35% for fiscal year 2021- 2031.

Doubling DHS, DOJ, DOD budget with automatic reductions in the budgets of NIH, HHS, DOA, DOI, EPA, and FEMA in equal amounts.

Creation of a forward operating base no further than 10 miles from the coast of CA, WA. and Or. To greater assist the quelling of insurrection.

The forming of a commission to relocate military assets from the NE to the SE.

The forming of a commission to amend the constitution.

A shutdown of emigration from the cities of Atlanta, Miami, Jacksonville, St. Petersburg, Tampa, Orlando, Dallas, San Francisco, LA, Portland, Ferguson, St. Louis,Detroit, Philadelphia, New Orleans, Louisville, Akron, Cleveland.

Establishment of insurrection monitoring task force.

Suspension of trade to the state of HI, All first nation territories, and all U.S. territories for a period not to exceed the ending of a declared insurrection, rebellion, or declared war.

Travel to FEMA declared disaster zones is suspended until FEMA declares these zones safe for human dwelling and occupancy.

Economic stimulus to businesses as determined by a majority vote.

Reduction of corporate liability on worker safety.

Suspension of corporate taxes for the loyalty coalition. Formation of the federal farming oversight commission to establish order.

Amendment to the charter of the City of Chicago under Chicago federalization and crime control act.”

The vote is delayed, it is protested, the bill is condemned. But it passes

by 100 votes. Turns out it’s easy to pass a bill when the other side cannot show up for the vote.

CSPAN host — “Back to Bob in Helena, Montana, what do you think about this bill ?”

“ Well it’s really unfortunate that it’s had to come to this but that’s what happens when socialists take over a political party. We have to do everything in our power to destroy them. I hope we can get back to normal but these people wanted to live in shut down cities anyway so it’s not like they’ll even notice. “

CSPAN host — “Thank you Bob now we go to Matthew in Athens, Georgia, Matthew?”

“ Yes, I just have to say we shouldn’t even be discussing this. There are still bodies on the streets of New York City why aren’t we outraged by this? Why are we talking about cutting FEMA’s budget now? “

‘Thank you Matthew in Athens, now we go to Steve in Akron, Ohio.

Steve, you’re on.’

“ That last caller doesn’t have a clue. I just want to say there were 3,000 unsolved murders in those states hit by Hurricane Omega or Zeta or whatever it was called. God punished them for their sins that’s why we have to focus on controlling the other Democrat controlled areas so we can save America. Thank you”

‘Thank you, now to Kayla in Omaha,Nebraska. Kayla just make sure you mute your T.V.’

“Good morning I’m just calling to say thank you for providing this service I’m glad there’s still real news”

‘Thank you Kayla, what are your thoughts on this bill?”

Well I have to agree with the last caller.. These people were rioting, they were aborting babies in parking lots, they were burning cities to the ground.. So there’s a few bodies on the street that’s nothing compared to the bodies Democratic policies will lead to if they win the White House the Senate and the House we have to pass this bill to stop all that!”

‘Thank you on to David from Plantation, FL, David?’

Was this democracy? Having the most hateful people with free time call in to cheer for their neighbors’ loss of freedom? Would we have changed our minds if the right person at the right time called in or would the people most receptive to the message have given up on change soon after their birth what? Why do we care what David from FL has to say about a 200 page bill he will never read?His stupid well actually’s about the Senates roll in passing a bill as if the fix wasn’t already in?

Was democracy really this bad?

Was it voting to solidify a white evangelical ethno state to protect the majority’s dominion?

What exactly are we fighting to return to?

Overpriced lattes and undervalued lives?

What exactly were all those scared men fighting to keep?

Cookouts with under cooked steaks, seasoned only with racism and a side of alcoholism?

Sitting outside with a gun in their hand ready to stand their ground to guard against that wave of thugs and vandals that never appear.

Moving to the middle of nowhere to get away from those people threatening to challenge their views and change their way of life, a life that they hate.

Democracy to many in the country meant less freedom for everyone so they had a measure of power. These aristocrats without plumbing have championed a society that they will not be able to survive in, I would feel bad for them if they were not trying to kill us all.

Well, Jesus, I think we would try to silence the stones too.

*This is a reimagining of the events of 2020, not a factual retelling -although the characters and actions are not without basis, there is sadly a lot of inspiration.

